Thursday, June 20, 2024

101+ A Song of Ice and Fire RPG adventure hooks

1. The player characters are informed that an entire noble household has died out and they have been willed their keep, lands, and title. What is the cause? Plague? Feud? Murder? Just outrageous misfortune? Is the land a disaster or disturbingly well-off?

2. The player characters are approached with a marriage offer from a nearby house. The prospective spouse comes with an ample dowry and is not uncomly. So, what's wrong with them? Horrible temperament? Heathen religious beliefs? Dishonored virtue? Do the player characters actually care?

3. A group of bandits have murdered a tenet of a nearby lord, locked themselves up in the farm, and are holding both the man's wife as well as children hostage. The PCs have the simple task of murdering these fools and rescuing the hostages if possible.

4. See #3, the bandits are Night Watch deserters who are actually part of a larger group. Except, the local Night Watchman wants them taken alive if possible (with the exception of the leader) since they're so dangerously understaffed.

5. See #3, the bandit who killed the farmer and took over the farm claims that the farm is actually his. He was named a supporter of King Aerys (or other figure) during a conflict and stripped of his lands so the farmer could take it for his own. He also claims the wife was his and at least one of the children.

6. See #3, the farmer was actually part of the bandits group and they're all local farmers that were mostly nonviolent criminals that extorted richer travelers with a fake toll scheme. The farmer ratted them out to the local lord and they're more scared than evil. The lord still intends to hang them all.

7. A boy claims to be blessed by the Seven with the power to see the future and has been spreading prophecies through the region, including the doom of the local lord. Do the PCs want their fortunes given? Is it a scam? Or is the boy genuinely gifted?

8. A young lad claims to be one of the PCs bastards or, if that's impossible, their father's bastard. They would like to be outfitted for a squiredom or at least mercenary work. They may or may not have any aptitude for fighting.

9. See #8, it is a rather ruthless scam designed to get the PCs to accept them as kin before they plan to frame them for murder and collect any inheritence the PCs may have coming.

10. The PCs are asked by a beautiful young woman to protect them from a monstrous religious fanatic who wants to burn her as a witch. She was serving as an herbalist in the local village.

11. See #10, the individual is a priestess of the Red God or a Northerner in a particularly religious area. Which, by itself, is not grounds for execution in Westeros.

12. See #10, they are in fact a poisoner and provider of deadly potions.

13. See #12, but they were provided to abused wives and for the purposes of ridding oneself of unwanted pregnancies.

14. A conspiracy of local knights and second sons are plotting to assault a wedding in disguise as members of a rival House.

15. See #14, the PCs are invited to their secret meeting and now are unwittingly involved.

16. See #14, this is actually an attempt to "rescue" the bride by the chief conspirator.

17. See #16, said conspirator is also loathed by the bride and this is a rather horrific vengeance for a jilted lover.

18. Flooding results in the PCs being trapped in an inn when a famous tourney knight is murdered right before the competition. Because he is the bastard of the local lord, someone will hang for this in the morning.

19. Agents of Robert Barthaeon are looking for a bastard of the late King Aerys for the purposes of slitting their throat. The PCs finds out a friendly NPC has been dyeing their hair to hide their Targaryen blood.

20. See #19 or the PCs find out that said bastard was their mother.

21. A guileless member of the Lannister family is carrying a large amount of gold to a meeting on his person. He's almost certainly going to be murdered without the PCs help and if he is, that gold might go to waste.

22. The PCs meet a young member of the Tyrell family who wishes to run away with a serving girl (or boy) that attempts to hire them for protection. Much nastier mercenaries are about to show up to either drag them back and/or eliminate their family dishonor.

23. A mysterious animal related to the family heraldry has been stalking the PCs. Is it a warged animal, an omen, or a coincidence?

24. A horrific series of murders are being perpetuated along the coast. Most blame some particularly violent Ironborn or slavers from Essos but these have an almost religious angle to them. Are the Others coming from the sea now?

25. A Stark bannerman stabbed to death a man in a sacred grove and won't speak to anyone but the PCs, individuals he's never met, about why. The execution date is aet but the North know him as a man of great honor.

26. The player characters end up in a battle with a knight who bets his arms in a duel. When he falls, they find a Valyrian steel sword among his possessions.

27. See #26. this is his family blade and they are furious about it. Possibly not wanting to ransom it back.

28. See #26, this is actually a blade of questionable ownership and the PCs have as much claim to it as any.

29. See #26, it is miraculously one that has no pedigree and there's a lost cache of them somewhere or someone has figured out how to make new ones.

30. The PCs are asked to head to Essos to retrieve a missing heir to a lord's lands. He has sadly gotten himself enslaved and his new owner is very interested in keeping him.

31. The players are cleaning out a great uncle's cottage attic and in a trunk they find a fossilized dragon age and relics from King Aery's reign.

32. The player characters are asked to mediate a feud between two houses over a keep both of them claim from a marriage pact where the entire family died.

33. See #32, the family was murdered by members of both sides to claim the keep.

34. See #32, the family was murdered by each other in an incident of domestic violence.

35. See #32, neither side plans to let the other live no matter what the arbitration.

35. See #32, both sides offer hefty bribes to the PCs to rule in their favor.

36. A famous knight who almost was named to the Kingsguard but, infamously, turned it down has died. The local priest wishes the PCs to help transport them back to their family without issue as it turns out they were actually a woman.

37. A series of villages have been burned and devastated with rumors of the last dragon being responsibe.

38. See #37, it actually IS the last dragon that was awakened from a centuries-long slumber induced in Aegon's time by Valyrian wizards.

39. See #38, it is an army of Wildmen from the Vale with a dragon motif led by a Red Priest.

40. Riots afflict Kings Landing and Flea Bottom after rumors of a Goldcloak murdering prostitutes for their coin and covering it up for years come to pass.

41. See #40, It absolutely was true and there was about forty bodies found.

42. See #41. said Goldcloaks are not being investigated because they're Queen's men and have a transparent lie it was done by "foreigners."

43. A Silent Sisters abbey is being preached against as a den of sin and inequity where the women are secretly operating a brothel. The lord is extremely annoyed and wants the PCs to "deal with" the man who is insulting his very well-regarded abbey.

44. See #43. The Silent Sisters abbey is, in fact, being used as a brothel. All of the women are former prostitutes banished there by King Aerys and their daughters as well as "recruits."

45. See #43, it is in fact much darker as the Abbess and her cohorts take the recruits and sell them off as pleasure slaves via Essos slavers at night.

46. The player characters are sent to the Wall to collect some important papers regarding past obligations. While there, there's an attempted murder of the PCs by one of the Night's Watch who turns out to have been hired to kill them by a hidden enemy among the brothers here.

47. An entire house of something akin to forty members is being slowly winnowed down by misfortune over the past ten years. It is down to about fourteen and its surviving members are terrified of the "Curse."

48. See #47, it is an insane and dangerous old knight reduced to beggar status avenging his lord killed in Aerys time.

49. See #47, it is actually the cook of the family who has been poisoning them one after the other.

50. See #47, it actually is a curse brought down by someone demanding the gods' retribution or working some horrible black magic.

51. An island has risen from the depths that the Ironborn claim to be the holy island of Rlyeh. There is a march to claim the volcanic lands and offer sacrifices to the Drowned God.

52. See #51, it has a lot of strange ruins on it that seem built for giants, including one VERY large vault.

53. The PCs are "willed" a beautiful young widow and her children by a friend who has asked them to be cared for based on past friendship or blood ties.

54. See #53, This is actually the friend's mistress who is trying to cover up the issues of his bastardry and adultery. Their friend's wife wants them dead as there's potential claim for their children over the friend's (step) children..

55. The PCs are hunted down by a bureaucrat who informs them that they have inherited the debts of an associate from the Iron Bank. This is is ridiculous and they may choose to fight it in Braavos.

56. A man from distant Leng has invented "magic wands" consisting of sticks of powder that can fire fireballs and sparks in the air to explode in pretty colors. It mostly causes minor burns but scares the shit out of people (as well as horses)

57. The player characters are informed by a stranger that a Faceless Man is planning to kill them in the next week. This is because there's a problem with the contract and they're leaving it in the hands of the Stranger. Can they survive it or the paranoia?

58. A surviving member of House Reynes believes the flood that destroyed his house at Tywin Lannister's hands has receded, so the family treasury can be raided. Sadly, Tywin Lannister also foresaw this and has sent men to retrieve it.

59. The player characters find a oubilette with a prisoner who has been down there for a decade. He is quite crazy but claims all manner of secret knowledge regarding the kingdom.

60. See #59, all of it is useless and he's a dangerous fool who can't be allowed to go free.

61. See #59, some of it is damning to this day like the truth of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar.

62. Varys asks the PCs to investigate the murder of Jon Arryn, which sends them to the Vale and possible revelations that it was his own wife using a family servant to do it.

63. A pyromancer has created an entire vast cache of wildfire in the middle of the woods which a local lord is planning on acquiring and unleashing a terrifying campaign of destruction against his rival houses.
The player characters can either try to destroy it or acquire it for themselves.

64. The player characters are invited to House Bolton for a reenactment of Dracula. They will not be harmed under guest right but they aren't allowed to leave either so escaping becomes a matter of great cost.

65. The player characters receive another set of marriage offers from House Bracken and House Blackwood, presumably just because the other made it. Taking one will guarantee enmity with the other and refusing both will be worse.

66. King Robert Baratheon has invited the PCs to stay at the Red Keep for reasons that remain inexplicable but they find themselves neck deep in the intrigue between her, Jon Arryn, Littlefinger, and Varys.

67. The PCs are provided a set of blackmail materials (love letters, priestly testimony) regarding their own lord or a close relative that call into claims of bastardry and adultery that could get them to replace them.
Who provided them and are they legitimate or an attempt to cause conflict?

68. The PCs are asked to foster a pair of young women who look amazingly like the missing Stark daughters and are definitely Northerners. They certainly snipe like it. What the hell is going on?

69. See #68, they are Faceless women in training.

70. See #68, they are actresses hired by Littlefinger that he plans to off to throw his enemies off the trail.

71. See #69, they actually are the Stark siblings and the world is off the rails.

72. A Blackfyre Pretender known as the Black Dragon has begun a peasant revolt armed with a bunch of religious fanatics and a prophecy about liberating the land from tyranny. It'll inevitably be put down but has won a lot more victories than should be humanly possible.

73. See #72, he's actually establishing a beach head for an invasion by a surviving Prince Aegon and the Golden Company.

74. See #73, he's actually an idealist who wants to bring reform and equality to the land as well redistribute land. So, you know, a lunatic.

75. See #75, he's not even a Blackfyre but a man of Valyrian descent from Pentos who is using the legend to make a claim for land.

76. Tyrion Lannister has been left without his purse, guards, or horse after a night of binge drinking. He's fairly certain someone has left him up to die and needs the players to help him track down the people involved.

77. The player characters are shipwrecked on the Stepstones during a particularly nasty storm. The island is full of weird Pre-First Men monuments, strange weather, and an oily black rock lighthouse. Can they survive to be rescued? Is it only men they should fear out here?

78. An Unsullied soldier is found nearby a dead Essos merchant. He is awaiting orders that may never come because he's completely brainwashed and barely speaks any of the local language.

79. House Velaryon wishes to take a trip around the other side of the world in order to visit Asshai, the city where no children are born. It is a vast voyage that will take against sea monsters, strange islands, and more.

80. See #79, so rivals of House Velaryon want you to sabotage the fleet being prepared.

81. See #79, the actual reason for the trip is to heal the dying Lord of the House with black magic.

82. See #79, the players who embark on the trip wake up there the next evening and things get weirder from there.

83. The knights of a region have been utterly wiped out by a bandit queen who has filled them with arrows and assembled a force of mounted archers.

84. See #83, the woman is one of the Dothraki who was sold as a slave and has mastered the old female archer ways that Khal Drogo forbid.

85. See #83, the woman is a Wildling daughter of a Night's Watch member who has combined the techniques of civilized with uncivilized territory.

86. A ex-Maester believes he's discovered the tomb of Queen Visenya in Dorne where the secret of her death can be explained. Strangely, nomadic horsemen and agents of the Citadel want this to be stopped at all costs.

87. A ratcatcher in King's Landing has what he claims to be a map of all the secret passages of the Red Keep that he loses to the players in a game of bones. Now the players are being hunted by the Lannisters and Master of Whisperers.

88. A controversial play is being performed in the city that is sure to draw ire because it mocks the royal family and recent history. The players don't want to perform it but are being forced at swordpoint. The players would very much like to get out of town alive.  

89. See #88, the play is actually being forced because the lead actor is a runaway noble's son and his family is going to be framed for having traitorous attitudes.

90. See #88, the play is being done this way because the lord is dying and wants to create an enormous scandal for his hated heirs to deal with.

91. An inn has been serving fresh meat and pork pies as well as sausage throughout a famine. The local butchers would like to know what the source of their meat is.

92. See #91, they're robbing local pig farms with rustlers. Why, what did you think it was?

93. See #91, they are cannibals but that's just to dispose of the bodies from covering up their mixing their meat with a vegetable mash.

94. The player characters are given a rare honor to have their own house and colors. They must come up with heraldry, motto, and other matters.

95. The player characters wake up on a galleon to Slaver's Bay, having been drugged and grabbed. They must either escape or survive the arena where they are to be sold as gladiators.

96. An infamous Maester has been hesitating to finish his seven book history of the Seven Kingdoms that virtually every learned house has a copy of. The players have been paid handsomely to figure out a way to get him to finish it. No matter the cost.

97. The PCs of all people have been named as the Lords of Harrenhal. Virtually everyone reacts like this is a death curse and the upkeep for the castle is ridiculous.

98. A Northern house has beggared itself constructing a great temple to the Seven, its lord having married a faithful Riverlander woman. The locals intend to start a peasant revolt to burn it down before it starves the masses before Winter. The children of the lords argue that the cathedral, when constructed, will be a source of great revenue.

99. The Prince of Dorne (or Tyrion lannister) wants to visit seven of the best brothels in Kings Landing in one evening and has the player characters for his guests during his pub crawl. Wackiness and plots ensue throughout.

100. The player characters find themselves challenged to multiple duels to the death in rapid order. They find out this is because someone has been naming them as champions in Trial by Combat that is carrying their seal.

101. An imposter has taken over the PCs life at a distant cousin's estate and is now engaged to be married. The cousin fully believes the PCs to be the imposter and has them locked up. This is a revolting development.

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