Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Character Interview: Cassius Mass from Lucifer's Star

1) We have, Cassius Mass from LUCIFER'S STAR by C.T. Phipps, welcome. This should be very interesting for our readers. Many characters have sat in our hotseat, but none such as yourself. Before we begin, can you share a little about your background?

I am Cassius Mass, former Count and Colonel in the Archduchy of Crius. They were an awful group of people. Conquerors, pillagers, and warlords who carved out a massive chunk of the galaxy for themselves. Now I'm a spacer who is just trying to make my way in the world on the starship Melampus. The funny thing? I'm not the one with the biggest secret.

2) On to our questions. What do you feel most passionately about?

My next drink. No, that was the old me. My country? No, that was the even older me. I feel most passionate about my crew. The Melampus is the meanest, drunkest, most disorderly band of pirates in the galaxy but they're my family. I especially love Clarice and Isla. Two women have suffered every bit as much as me but somehow still manage to get out of the bed.

3) What most annoys you?

Reminders of my past. Unfortunately, try as hard as I might, I can't escape being either the Fire Count to my allies or the Butcher of Kolthas to my enemies. I also dislike people who throw others into the line of fire for ideals. I wish I could leave the petty politics aside and being a criminal in peace but it seems the galaxy can't get along without me.

4) What scares you?

The face of my victims. If that sounds a bit morbid, it's a heavy thing to live with the kind of regrets I do. I thought was being a hero during the Second Interstellar War. Instead, I was the villain and sometimes the guilt can be overpowering. Mind you, I'm also scared of the Elder Races. Humans can fight against humans, they can fight against aliens (badly), and even robots (why?) but the Elder Races? It's like pest control for them.

5) What do you believe happens after someone dies?

Religion didn't go away in humanity's thousand years of space travel. It got weirder in some places, stayed the same in others, and got updated in others. My people, the Crius, were founded as a cult colony. I don't believe in their weird Luciferian version of Christianity. I do believe in God, though. Someone is out to get me. As for the afterlife? I dunno. Sometimes I feel like I'm haunted by those I have lost and killed both.

6) Under what circumstances would you lie?

Virtually any circumstances. It helps when you're trying to leave your past behind you. Bluntly, my entire crew is a bunch of liars. Everyone is hiding nine different secrets about themselves and it took months for me to reveal my true identity to my girlfriend (and her lover--its complicated). Still, I've gotten quite used to it and do it when I feel like it can give me an advantage. I'm trying to be honest with those few people I care about, though.

Any other questions from readers?

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