Sunday, February 2, 2025

Guardians of Dragon Keep (Dark Undermaster #2) is now available

The sequel to my humorous LitRPG isekai is now available for those who want to pick up a copy! On Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and in paperback!

“So, what you’re saying is the Dragon Queen is dead.”

“No, what I’m saying is the Dragon Queen is dead and there’s an imposter carrying on in her place. Possibly someone you know. Your girlfriend’s ex is back from the dead. Your brother is evil. A dead god is trying to take over your body. We’re running out of time until it becomes impossible to save the world. Also, I’m pretty sure the giant blind redheaded swordswoman chick wants to bang you to death.”

“So, normal Tuesday.”

    Aragorn “Aaron” Bartkowski and his merry band of miscreants are back! Having successfully slain the demon god Chernabog, they’ve managed to buy a little more time for the planet Mokosh. However, a hero’s work is never done, especially when a hero is underleveled and with low WIS. From a mission to a haunted vampire-filled castle to rescue the little girl Pope to the deeps of elven territory to the heart of Ledziana’s civil war, Aaron must now engage with the complicated politic underlying the dark fantasy setting he’s found himself in. It’s win or die when playing the games of kings and queens, though, and our hero is absolutely terrible at them.

    GUARDIANS OF DRAGON KEEP is the second volume of the Dark Undermaster Saga, a humorous send up of dark fantasy like Game of Thrones, The Witcher, and Dark Souls. It is a progression fantasy LitRPG that follows the adventures of video game computer programmer, Aaron Bartkowski as he is hurled bodily into the world of his favorite author, Larry C.C. Weis. Unfortunately, Weis turns out to have been much better at stealing from other, better, authors than he was in giving his heroes a break.

Available here

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