Saturday, December 21, 2024

Excerpt for The Rise of Supervillainy (Supervillainy Saga #10)

"Yeah, I need find out who those costumed teenagers who sucker punched me were," I said, still not sure what had happened. I'd been trying to pull survivors from the wreckage when I'd been hit by a energy construct maker then slammed into by a speedster. The later resulted me tearing the arm off of an old lady
I was pulling free of the rubble.

She was probably dead.

Dead or a cyborg now.

"Gamer Gatekeeper and the Incelulator," Lisa explained, causing me to do a double take at the names. "They're a pair of always streaming superheroes trying to pick a fight with you for ages. They've already uploaded an edited version of your fight to their Swish channel."

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, at a loss for words for perhaps the first time in my life. "Those don't sound real and I live with a bunch of kobolds, a dragon, a vampire, and a werewolf. We're looking for a pair of drow to complete the set. That and Cindy has a fetish."

My sister Kerri and Diabloman had moved into the guest house, which was its own mansion with its own guest house. Seriously, our family was disgustingly rich and I kind of hated myself for it. Still, as Bill  Murray said about being rich and famous, try just being rich first.

"They used to team up with TERF and Fake Geek Girl as the Right Winners before the later two decided to rebrand themselves for more mainstream appeal," Lisa explained. "You can still view their Only Fans page under their original costumes or lack thereof."

I blinked. "Is this a trend? Did I start this? If so, I apologize. Sincerely."

"No, Gary, you didn't start superheroes being all political," Lisa said. "These four are just some of the many social media savvy superhero groups that monetize America's divide. You wouldn't be any more impressed by what they have on the Left. Internet Warrior, Deplorable Dave, and We Go Lower are basically all your smug and none of your entertainment value for people who remember the Eighties. You know, old people."

This was why I was done with politics and superheroing/villaining. It had just gotten so damned stupid. I rubbed my temples, staving off a migraine. "I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd miss the dignity of PHANTOM. They at least had cool costumes and weapons."

"Really, Uncle Gary?"

"Well, they did!" I said. "I can say that since I've fought in like thirty World War 2's. I have a Nazi kill count that BJ Blazkowicz would envy."

"Who?" Lisa asked.

"Indiana Jones?" I asked.

"The geriatric archaeologist?" Lisa asked, confused.

I stared at her. "American Commando."

"Which one?" Lisa asked.

I suddenly understood why people hated the young.

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