Saturday, December 24, 2016

The Science of Supervillainy is done!

Hey folks!

Great news, I'm pleased to say THE SCIENCE OF SUPERVILLAINY has been completed! Gary Karkofsky's latest adventure has been sent to my publishers for editing and hopefully, we'll be able to get a simultaneous audiobook and ebook release sometime in March of 2017.

Gary Karkofsky a.k.a Merciless: The Supervillain without MercyTM finally tracks down and faces President Omega after having had his life ruined by the time-traveling Chief of State. Unfortunately, defeating his nemesis turns out to be less of a victory than Gary hoped. Seconds after their victory, Gary and his wife are captured by Merciful: The Superhero with MercyTM. Merciful, also known as Other Gary, is our antihero's doppelganger from a previous reality who believes he can rule the world better.

Gary and Mandy manage to escape but not before Merciful has conquered Falconcrest City and reformed it into their worst nightmare: a clean, efficient, retro-futuristic paradise. Can our heroes get their revenge or are they doomed to live in a world without villains?

This will be the fourth volume of the Supervillainy Saga but far from the last. Jeffrey Kafer will be continuing to do the audiobook narration.


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